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Education Program Details


February 2-5 & 16-19, 2024



Sainte Marie Parish 

Manchester, NH



August 12 -17, 2024

Is This Program A Good Fit For You?

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Applicant Eligibility

Those eligible for the FertilityCare PRACTITIONER Program are registered nurses with current licenses, allied health professionals with a BA or BS degree in health, behavioral sciences, social sciences, or education. Other non-health are also individually recognized. Also eligible are persons with associate degree/ diploma  such  as:  licensed  practical  nurse, human services practitioner, or the equivalent of two years of college study. Further eligibility criteria are that  the  applicant  practices  the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System

or, if single and celibate, monitor their natural fertility and be a philosophical acceptor of the System.

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Costs & Fees

The cost for the entire 13 month educational program is $3,800 for tuition and $600 for books and materials fees. In addition, there are costs associated with an On Site Visit that will be conducted at the student’s location during the second Practicum. These costs include travel and hotel room for one night for the student’s Supervisor and are payable at the time of the site visit. In addition, there is a $100 fee for the national standardized final exam.

The FertilityCare PRACTITIONER Education Program is a program of Family FertilityCare Services is accredited by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals and abides by its Code of Ethics and Standards. Upon completion of the Program the student is eligible to apply for certification through the Academy. See

Also upon completion the student will be qualified to establish a program that can be an Affiliate of FertilityCare Centers of America. See

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Need More Info?

For more information or please contact:


Anne Marie St Germain, BA, CFCP, CFCE

Education Program Director

Family FertilityCare Services

(603) 860-9942

Creighton Model FertilityCare™ Practitioner Education Program

The CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System works cooperatively with a woman’s cycle to monitor normal and naturally occurring biological markers that identify the fertile and infertile days in her cycle. The couple uses this information to plan or avoid a pregnancy and to monitor a woman’s health. The system is based on respect for the couple, the family, and human life from the moment of conception. The effectiveness of avoiding pregnancy is 99% and it is extremely effective in helping couples achieve pregnancy. NaProTechnology, a new reproductive science, based in the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System, provides new hope for couples experiencing infertility. The FertilityCare PRACTITIONER Program prepares students to teach the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System.


Education Phase I

An eight day total emersion educational experience prepares the FertilityCare Practitioner Intern to teach the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System. The curriculum consists of history of natural methods of birth regulation, anatomy and physiology, the hormones of the menstrual cycle, breastfeeding, menopause, psychodynamics of contraception and the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System, human sexuality, the beginnings of human life and the effectiveness of natural and artificial methods of family planning. The clinical  group  sessions  train  the  Intern  to teach the FertilityCare System according to a standardized curriculum and include basic chart reading and correcting, how to conduct the standardized Introductory Session and Follow-Up sessions, documentation, and the Practicum I Responsibilities. An assessment at the end of this education phase assures  the competency of the student to begin teaching clients during their internship.


Supervised Practicum I

This Practicum begins with the successful completion of Education Phase I and ends with Education Phase II. During this Practicum the Intern returns to their home and begins teaching the FertilityCare System. Every Practitioner Intern will be assigned a Faculty Supervisor who they will work closely with during their Practicum. The Supervisor  provides the support and direction that a Practitioner Intern requires. All books, charts, slides, and teaching materials needed to teach will be provided. Each Intern will teach a minimum of 6 client couples during this Practicum. There are written and recorded assignments, and scheduled telephone calls with the Supervisor.


Education Phase II

Following successful completion of Supervised Practicum I the intern is qualified to attend Education Phase II. This 6 day long educational experience covers advanced case management in  infertility,  continuous  mucus  discharge, unusual bleeding, and NaProTechnology. How to conduct pregnancy evaluations are also taught along with management of advanced behavioral issues, communication, marketing, and advanced business aspects of managing a FertilityCare Center. An Oral Exam at the end of Education Phase II helps  to prepare the intern for their second supervised practicum.


Supervised Practicum II

Supervised Practicum II begins with the successful completion of Education Phase II and ends with the Final Exam. During this time the Intern will teach an additional 12 client couples, submit assignments, have monthly phone calls with their Supervisor and experience an On Site Visit from their Supervisor.


On Site Visit

The On Site Visit is a time when the faculty supervisor will

visit the intern’s home location and observe their teaching, review their files, and conduct a comprehensive case review of all the interns’  clients.


National Standardized Final Exam

When all the requirements are completed the Intern will be given approval to take a national standardized final exam. This exam is proctored in the student’s home location and is offered four times a year.

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